

LeakyReLU([negative_slope, inplace])

Applies torch.nn.LeakyReLU on the feature tensor of the given SparseTensor x.


Applies torch.nn.ReLU on the feature tensor of the given SparseTensor x.


Applies torch.nn.ReLU6 on the feature tensor of the given SparseTensor x.

class LeakyReLU(negative_slope: float = 1e-2, inplace: bool = False)#

Applies torch.nn.LeakyReLU on the feature tensor of the given SparseTensor x.

class ReLU(inplace: bool = False)#

Applies torch.nn.ReLU on the feature tensor of the given SparseTensor x.

class ReLU6(inplace: bool = False)#

Applies torch.nn.ReLU6 on the feature tensor of the given SparseTensor x.