
# Measure the training throughput on V100 or RTX6000 GPUs


For V100, you need to have access to GPU resources on major GPU cloud platforms such as Amazon EC2. We will give an example of Amazon EC2.

For RTX6000, you need to have access to a local machine that has at least one RTX6000 GPU.

Amazon EC2 for V100

If you have never used Amazon EC2 before, you should request an account from https://aws.amazon.com/ec2 to get access to the GPU VMs.

After getting access, navigate to the “EC2 Dashboard” -> “Launch instance” pane to create an VM with V100 GPUs.

Note: please make sure to turn off your VM instances as soon as you finish the experiments, as the instances are quite costly

Local Machine for RTX6000

If you have a machine with at least one RTX6000, you need to configure the NVIDIA driver and nvidia-docker properly. Please refer to the steps in https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker#getting-started on how to setup a fresh machine for our experiments.

The software specification of the machine with RTX6000 under our experiments is:

NVIDIA GPU Driver Version: 450.66 OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Docker Version: 20.10.2, build 2291f61 nvidia-docker2 Version: 2.5.0-1


Prepare codebase

First, clone the repo and navigate to the project.

# clone the code base
git clone https://github.com/UofT-EcoSystem/hfta.git
cd hfta
git checkout releases/mlsys21

Acquiring NVIDIA Nsight Systems CLI and DCGM

We require two installation files (.deb) for Nsight Systems and DCGM pre-downloaded to build the docker image.

In order to download the .deb files, you need to register a NVIDIA developer account via: https://developer.nvidia.com/login, after that, you can download the .deb file:

Download and launch docker image

Follow the commands below to prepare and launch the docker image, this will take approximately 10 mins.

Build docker image

# build the image, select native1.6-cu10.2 for V100 and RTX6000 
# this will take about 10 mins to complete
bash docker/build.sh native1.6-cu10.2

Reuse prebuilt docker image

If you do not wish to build the docker image from scratch, you can reuse the prebuilt docker image that we provide:

docker pull wangshangsam/hfta:mlsys21_native1.6-cu10.2
docker tag wangshangsam/hfta:mlsys21_native1.6-cu10.2 hfta:dev

Launch a docker container

# launch the image
# you will need to provide a placeholder mount point for the data directory
# default is under ${HOME}/datasets
ubuntu@ip-xxxxxxxx:~/hfta$ bash docker/launch.sh <optional: data directory mount point> <optional: image tag>

Install HFTA and its dependencies as a Python package

root@c7ee88f34a48:/home/ubuntu/hfta: pip install -e .

... # additional outputs not shown
Installing collected packages: pandas, hfta
  Attempting uninstall: pandas
    Found existing installation: pandas 1.1.3
    Uninstalling pandas-1.1.3:
      Successfully uninstalled pandas-1.1.3
  Running setup.py develop for hfta
Successfully installed hfta pandas-1.1.5

Run experiments

  1. Prepare datasets
    cd /home/ubuntu/hfta
    source datasets/prepare_datasets.sh
    # Download the dataset by calling helper functions defined in `prepare_datasets.sh`. For example: run
    # `prepare_bert` for BERT experiment.
  2. Prepare experiment workflow helper functions by running benchmarks/workflow.sh benchmarks/workflow.sh” expects 3 arguments in total
    • DEVICE: {cuda, tpu}, default is cuda
    • DEVICE_MODEL: {a100, v100, etc, or v2/v3 for tpu}, default is v100
    • OUTDIR_ROOT: {the output directory of the benchmarked results}, default is benchmarks

The first two arguments, are often needed in every run,. Please refer to the script for the usage of the arguments

# The command below will set the target device and device model to be CUDA, V100,
# and the output directory by default is ./benchmarks, but you can specify other things
source benchmarks/workflow.sh cuda v100 <optional: output root dir >
# For CUDA, RTX6000
source benchmarks/workflow.sh cuda rtx6000 <optional: output root dir>
  1. Run experiments by calling workflow helper functions. The workflow functions are defined in the _workflow_<modelname>.sh files under <repo root>/benchmarks.
    # The functions are generally named as `workflow_<modelname>`.
    # For example, in order to run BERT experiment, run
    # For partially fused Rsenet experiment, run
    # For Rsenet convergence experiment, run

Plot speedup curves

After the workflow experiment is done, run bash function below to process the output and plot the speedup curves. The plot functions are also defined in _workflow_<modelname>.sh files.

# In general, plot functions are defined as plot_<exp name>
# For example, for BERT experiment, run
# For partially fused Rsenet experiment, run
# For Rsenet convergence experiment, run

Finally, you should be able to see the .csv and .png files under the output directory (./benchmarks (or the directory you specified above)).