
Measure the training throughput on TPU v3


You need to have access to TPU resource on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).


Set up TPU instance and VM

  1. Follow instructions here to set up GCP VM and TPU instance.
  2. The type of VM machine used in our experiments is n1-highmem-8 (8 vCPUs, 52 GB memory).
  3. The VM disk type is Standard persistent disk with 120 GB capacity.
  4. The type of TPU instance is v3-8 with software version pytorch-1.7.

Prepare codebase and download docker image

  1. Start the VM and TPU instance you just created and ensure the VM knows the TPU IP address (See instructions here).
  2. Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/UofT-EcoSystem/hfta.git
  3. cd hfta; git checkout releases/mlsys21
  4. Download and enter the docker image: bash docker/launch_xla.sh. The docker image will generally be more than 20 GB.
  5. Install basic requirements for HFTA: pip install -e .[xla]
  6. Install additional requirements for benchmarking: pip install plyfile

Run experiments

  1. Prepare datasets
    1. Under the root directory of the repo, run source datasets/prepare_datasets.sh.
    2. Download the dataset by calling helper functions defined in prepare_datasets.sh. For example: run prepare_bert for BERT experiment.
  2. Prepare experiment workflow helper functions
    1. Under the root directory of the repo, run source benchmarks/workflow.sh xla v3 ./MLSys21/benchmarks.
    2. The above command will set the target device to be TPU v3 and the output directory to be ./MLSys21/benchmarks. You can change the output directory as what you want.
  3. Run experiments by calling workflow helper functions
    1. For example, in order to run BERT experiment, call bash function: workflow_bert
    2. The workflow functions are defined in the _workflow_<modelname>.sh files under <repo root>/benchmarks.
    3. The functions are generally named as workflow_<modelname>.

Plot speedup curves

  1. After the workflow experiment is done, run bash function to process the output and plot the speedup curves.
  2. For example, run plot_bert for BERT experiment.
  3. The plot functions are also defined in _workflow_<modelname>.sh files.
  4. Finally, you should be able to see the .csv and .png files under the output directory (./MLSys21/benchmarks).